Wednesday, December 8, 2010

The End of Men?

Catchy post title, but this article is not about extermination of a gender. This article that I read today had some good quotes in it. For Women, a Seat at the Table
By Richard Galant, CNN

Pelosi, who is the first woman speaker and will become minority leader of the House in January, stressed the idea that women need to be leaders in their own way, not necessarily following in men's footsteps. "We're not there for the power," she said. "We're there to get a job done."

CNN founder Ted Turner suggested the world would be far better off if women ran it -- and that they'd find a way to end the threat posed by nuclear weapons.

Interesting, hmmm?

Post Normal Post

I was doing some reading last night: Public Administration: Traditions of Inquiry and Philosophies of Knowledge
By Norma M. Riccucci.
I was hoping to better understand if the study of Public Administration is a "science" or an "art..." This concept of "post normal" blew my mind and kind of discouraged me. Obama's concessions to the rich yesterday are fresh; allowing the rich to keep their Bush-era tax cuts in order to allow unemployed people to eat is upsetting. Billions to the rich, so the middle class can keep their heads above water. "Let them eat cake!"
Public Administration may not be the course of study that will help me make sense of the world because I really want public administration to be a science; it should be.
Public institutions should know what they are doing and be making knowledge-based decisions when using tax payers money to provide services.

I'm changing my look

Hello! After one exciting week at, I've decided that I need a change.
I read last night that one who studies the theories of public administration is a public administrationist. So, I've changed my blog and my attitude. This blog will not be manic lists of things I need to work on, as the other was; rather it will be comments on terminology and thoughts I have on ideas about things I'm reading. How exciting that you're here!