Friday, February 18, 2011

Self-Reflection follow-up: feedback results

I chose to execute a feedback form instead of conducting 10 personal interviews or email requests. I sent the question out at 9p.m. last night and by 12noon today I had nine results, which is enough for me! They are quality responses to this very touchy subject.
I am bold enough to post the results here for your perusal, I'm putting it all out there! As if it really makes a difference, these are obviously the 9 nicest people I've worked with.

9 responses


What is Melanie like at her best?
She exhibits a postive can do attitude that brings up others around her.Energized, creative, fun to be around. Cheerful and energetic. Fresh, original, energetic. Melanie is very outgoing and personable. She is a good person to work with here at the Mary Livermore Library. She is thoughtful and attentive. She takes charge when needed.Melanie is very entusiastic. She always tries to assist patrons in whatever she in finding needed information. Fun. Customer comes first mentality. Always upbeat. She is enthusiastic and fun to work with

What are Melanie's strengths?

She is exceptionally service orientated and a valued team member.Practicality, creative thinking, personability, engaging. Enthusiasm!Her energy, her enthusiasm. Good communication skills Tries to get students to understand content Goes the "extra mile" to assist library patrons (including going with them to the stacks to locate materials)organization and thoughtfulness. Her enthusiasm for her work, her willingness to help people. Fantastic sense of humor. Very driven to help the customer. Open -minded. Willing to learn new things and is willing to ask for help if needed. She doesn't seem afraid to ...

How does Melanie communicate when at her best?
She communicates best when she is excited and motivated which is most of the time.Well, thoroughly Quickly...:)When she had an instructional tool, like I hand out or a brochure to go over She gives instant feedback. Slowly. Melanie has a tendency to talk too fast occasionally.By sending emails, by calling in person and telling you what she is doing.She is very approachable and extends help. Doesn't wait for questions at the reference desk, seeks out students to help - very proactive. She asks questions if she doesn't understand something

How does Melanie seize new opportunities and ideas when at her best?
She is very willing to try new things. In our library her outreach efforts would be the best example. Conciously and deliberately She is always looking for opportunities to connect the Library with the students and the community at large.She jumps at the chance to network and share information I can't answer this question. She begins new endeavors and plans for them. She asks for the opinions and critiques of coworkers.She goes forward, reaching out to be the best she can be.Is open to new ideas but a bit reluctant to dive into new technologies.She tries it out and shares with others how it wen...

When faced with adversity, how can you expect Melanie to react?
She is very calm and focused. She handles stress well.with determination and a smile. Usually calm if she feels confident - sometimes harried, but that happens to us all from time to time.Be quiet at first,Don't know.I think she will rise to the challenge.I expect Melanie to look at her situation and see how she can move forward to make things better in the long run.Will always offer options and new ways to solve problems. Very positive.

Given a problem-solving challenge, will Melanie perform to a level that benefits the organization?
Absolutely.Yes. I believe so. She has only been here since summer, but from what I have seen, she is willing to analyze problems and come up with solutions and is accepting of the solutions of others.Yes I think that Melanie values the importance of libraries and will do what it takes to make sure the organization as a whole succeeds.yes. If needed she will ask for assistance.I think Melanie would perform at a level that benefits the organization.Yes, she is willing to work with others and is very open to new ideas and ways to solve issues.

Can Melanie be relied on?
Consistently Absolutely. Yes.Yes Yes.Yes Melanie is very reliable. Yes. yes

How does Melanie work with and help others when at her best?
She is patient and upbeat She is always willing to help She is a team player. She doesn't feel that she has to be in the limelight. I like that about her.She brings knowledge and energy to projects From what I've observed, Melanie works closely with students to make certain that they succeed. She also works closely with faculty to ensure that they get the bibliographic instruction classes that they request. Melanie works well with others.She offers her opinions and listens to what other have to say.She takes time to assess a situation and will then work through things. She will work with people ...

Is Melanie a team player?
Absolutely. We miss her!Yes See above, but yes. I really like the look of this survey. I need you to show me how you created the banner. Hope this helps. Michael.Yes I believe so.Yes Yes, Melanie is willing to help others on the team Yes, with good directions given. yes

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