Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Death in Pembroke

Driving back and forth to work everyday in Pembroke NC is extremely dangerous.
Today as I was walking into Food Lion to pick up lunch and a woman drove by me through the parking lot at no less than 55mph, right in front of the store. I was literally shaken, I felt like if I had taken one more step forward without looking I would have been killed.
This is daily life in Pembroke NC, people drive terribly here. It may be poverty and lack of education; drug and alcohol abuse could be factors in the general disregard for safety. But I feel that this issue really needs to be addressed before I am involved in a tragic accident.
I called the state police and asked them about this. The unsafe driving issue is not important to them and the cop all in all disregarded my concern. My friend who I work with suggested I visit a Town Hall Meeting to voice my concern and I may do that.
I will say that in Charlotte, which is the largest city in North Carolina, people do not drive as bad as this.
Even if I am not being passed(while going 60mph) on a country road by senior citizens driving a pick up truck with a load of hay in it, it is still lack of regard for basic traffic rules. Use your turn signal to indicate which direction your vehicle is going, turn on your driving lights so people can see your gray car come over the hill, quit talking on your cellphone and pay attention to what you are doing!
I feel at risk every day I am here and I hope taking this job will not be the worst decision I have ever made.

1 comment:

  1. Don't move to East TN, because it's that bad here too. No one drives the speed limit, no one looks where they're going when they pull out in front of you, and it's driving me mad!!!!!!!!! (pun not intended, hehe)
