Monday, April 25, 2011

Research on Library Telecommuting

I read several articles on telecommuting or working from home and these are the main reasons why university libraries should implement a policy on creating flexible working schedules that include telecommuting. This is the outline for the "Action Research" presentation I will deliver to my Organizational Behavior class this evening.

We already work from home. Our primary function is to serve the students, staff and community. Library services naturally must be very flexible, we work many evenings and weekends. When out of town or working at home for other reasons, we need to stay in touch remotely. Establishing a telecommuting policy will address this action already in practice.

Emergency Preparedness. In the event of pandemic illness, the Library should have in place a policy on telecommuting to address concerns of productivity and maintaining services. From Managing Information, 2009

Environmental Conservation. U.S. Telecommuters Save 840 Million Gallons Of Gas Per Year. In an attempt to be environmentally conscious, the Library should have a telecommuting policy in place to conserve natural resources and reduce traffic pollution. From the newsletter: Environmental and Energy Management News.

To increase productivity. There are times when a project is best worked on from home. To be completely undisturbed can be ideal for completion of certain work. From Computers in Libraries, 2004.

Quality of Life for employees will improve. There are many reasons why this could benefit employees and employers, but the overall quality of work should also improve when employees telecommute. For example: When attending a professional development training or conference, employees can be out of the office for several days. If possible, having a day at home following a few days out of the office will allow the employee to fully catch up on email and to hit the ground running upon return to the office.

The Library will continue to trail blaze. Other faculty departments already have telecommuting policies, some merely take it on a case by case basis. To adopt a formal method for making this work could be admired and copied by other university departments.

How to take action. Establish a team of Library faculty and staff to work on developing this policy. Have a trial of suggested methods of implementation. Determine whether this policy will work effectively.

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